What Valerie’s House Families Say…
We know that it takes a lot of courage to decide to face your grief rather than shying away from it. If you’re still not sure about coming to Valerie’s House, read these first-hand accounts from Valerie’s House family members about how the organization has affected them.
Heather’s daughter, Hailey
“I will never forget when Hailey first learned about Valerie’s House. After watching the intro video online, she looked at me and said, ‘Mama, there are other kids like me!’ At that point in time, she had never met another kid her age that had lost a parent. Thank you for helping both of us know that we are not alone in this journey. I will be forever grateful for the continuous love and support that VH has given us. I may or may not still cry whenever I tell this story.”
- Heather, Valerie’s House mom
“Austin and I came to Valerie's House just 3 months after its opening. It had been 1.5 years after Austin lost his dad. Austin and I were completely broken, individually and as a family. We had tried everything on our own just to make it. Ms. Rainwater from CLHS referred us to Valerie's House and said they had just opened. Both Austin and I agreed we need something or someone before we were forever torn apart. Angela Melvin and the Valerie's House volunteers welcomed us with open hearts and open arms. Before we knew it, our little, broken family mended and became a whole lot bigger. Austin completed his Eagle project with Valerie's House as the benefactor. He made grief support bags for kids facing a battle he had faced, letting them know they are not alone. I always say I gave my Eagle wings, but Valerie's House helped me mend his wings and helped in teaching him to fly. Today, Austin is in the army and I just purchased my first house. Not only does Valerie’s House help heal our kids’ hearts, they help heal the caregivers' hearts. We love you.”
- Tanya, Valerie’s House mother
Austin & Tanya
Marshall with his wife and children
“I cannot even fathom where we would be if it were not for Valerie’s House! We started there in February 2016, three months after losing my wife of 18 years, and mother to my two kids (my rocks), then 6 and 13. I had spoken to Angela on the phone just before the Super bowl started, and we talked for almost an hour. Coming to VH was the first time in three months that I finally felt that someone else might understand what we were going through. The groups we shared over the next year and a half allowed all three of us to stand up and face the challenges ahead. The love and courage inside those walls will forever be a part of us, and I can never repay the debt I owe to the counseling and staff and volunteers that helped the kids and I stand up again and not be alone! We have come so far and we know things happen for a reason. Everyone grieves differently, and VH taught us to understand that grief and make it work for us. My kids have always been my rockstars, but I can honestly say that VH has made them better people, and they learned so much from going there. Now Jessica is a freshman at USF and doing it all on a Bright Futures scholarship, and Nicholas is a sixth-grader kicking butt and taking names in school. We owe so much of our success to Valerie’s House, and all the help they provided in the darkest of times. Much love and happy days!”
- Marshall, Valerie’s House dad
Leslie & Her Grandson
“Valerie's House has helped my grandson and myself so much. He was only 9-months-old when his dad died and 3-years-old when his mom died. Valerie's House agreed to some one-on-one sessions when he was 4. After a few of these, we attended groups off and on for a few years. We aren't currently attending, but he knows they are there for him, and it is a huge comfort to know that he can be with other kids that know what it's like to have loved ones die. Thanks for ALL THE LOVE and support.”
- Leslie, Valerie’s House grandmother